Analysising single cell RNA-seq data for inter and intracellular interactions. The first step is to import the singel cell RNA-seq data file. The import file is the cell cluster averaged gene expression files. OmniPath is accesed by the python client.
import pandas as pd
import igraph as ig
import os
from itertools import permutations
import numpy as np
import omnipath as op
C:\Users\modos\.conda\envs\Single_cell_RNA_seq\lib\site-packages\requests\ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.2) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version! RequestsDependencyWarning)
First lets check the OmniPAth version and data.
0.11.34 Options(url='', license=<License.ACADEMIC>, cache=<FileCache[size=3, path='C:\\Users\\modos\\.cache\\omnipathdb']>, autoload=True, convert_dtypes=True, num_retries=3, timeout=5.0, chunk_size=8196)
Now we can donwload OmniPath intercellular network and see what kind of columns are in the intercellular dataframe.
intercell_network = op.interactions.import_intercell_network()
index | source | target | is_stimulation | is_inhibition | consensus_direction | consensus_stimulation | consensus_inhibition | dip_url | curation_effort | ... | category_source_intercell_target | uniprot_intercell_target | genesymbol_intercell_target | entity_type_intercell_target | consensus_score_intercell_target | transmitter_intercell_target | receiver_intercell_target | secreted_intercell_target | plasma_membrane_transmembrane_intercell_target | plasma_membrane_peripheral_intercell_target | |
0 | 0 | P14416 | P48995 | True | False | True | True | False | nan | 1 | ... | resource_specific | P48995 | TRPC1 | protein | 1 | False | True | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | P14416 | P48995 | True | False | True | True | False | nan | 1 | ... | resource_specific | P48995 | TRPC1 | protein | 3 | False | True | False | False | False |
2 | 5 | P14416 | P48995 | True | False | True | True | False | nan | 1 | ... | composite | P48995 | TRPC1 | protein | 3 | False | True | False | False | False |
3 | 7 | Q13255 | P48995 | True | False | True | True | False | nan | 1 | ... | resource_specific | P48995 | TRPC1 | protein | 1 | False | True | False | False | False |
4 | 9 | Q13255 | P48995 | True | False | True | True | False | nan | 1 | ... | resource_specific | P48995 | TRPC1 | protein | 3 | False | True | False | False | False |
5 rows × 46 columns
Index(['index', 'source', 'target', 'is_stimulation', 'is_inhibition', 'consensus_direction', 'consensus_stimulation', 'consensus_inhibition', 'dip_url', 'curation_effort', 'references', 'sources', 'references_stripped', 'n_references', 'n_sources', 'n_primary_sources', 'category_intercell_source', 'parent_intercell_source', 'database_intercell_source', 'scope_intercell_source', 'aspect_intercell_source', 'category_source_intercell_source', 'uniprot_intercell_source', 'genesymbol_intercell_source', 'entity_type_intercell_source', 'consensus_score_intercell_source', 'transmitter_intercell_source', 'receiver_intercell_source', 'secreted_intercell_source', 'plasma_membrane_transmembrane_intercell_source', 'plasma_membrane_peripheral_intercell_source', 'category_intercell_target', 'parent_intercell_target', 'database_intercell_target', 'scope_intercell_target', 'aspect_intercell_target', 'category_source_intercell_target', 'uniprot_intercell_target', 'genesymbol_intercell_target', 'entity_type_intercell_target', 'consensus_score_intercell_target', 'transmitter_intercell_target', 'receiver_intercell_target', 'secreted_intercell_target', 'plasma_membrane_transmembrane_intercell_target', 'plasma_membrane_peripheral_intercell_target'], dtype='object')
(30265, 46)
Here we can check what are the categories what we can use for intercellular interactions. We can use the intercellular interctions directly, hovewer it contain porteins which are invovled in the adhesion process and binds to the intracelluar domains of receptor proteins. That is why we suggest the fitlering as in the paper.
print (set(intercell_network["category_intercell_source"]))
{'desmosome', 'cell_surface_ligand', 'cell_surface_enzyme', 'secreted_receptor', 'ecm', 'receptor_regulator', 'adhesion', 'tight_junction', 'cell_adhesion', 'matrix_adhesion_regulator', 'cell_surface_peptidase', 'ecm_regulator', 'secreted_enzyme', 'ligand_regulator', 'gap_junction', 'ligand'}
print (set(intercell_network["category_intercell_target"]))
{'adherens_junction', 'receptor', 'ion_channel_regulator', 'desmosome', 'adhesion', 'tight_junction', 'cell_adhesion', 'matrix_adhesion', 'transporter', 'ion_channel', 'gap_junction'}
filtered_source_types = ["cell_surface_enzyme","cell_surface_ligand","ligand","secreted_enzyme","secreted_receptor",
filtered_target_types = ["adhesion","receptor","cell_adhesion","tight_junction","gap_junction","ion_channel","transporter",
filtered_intercell_network = intercell_network[intercell_network.category_intercell_source.isin(filtered_source_types)]
filtered_intercell_network = filtered_intercell_network[filtered_intercell_network.
(20784, 46)
The next step is to preprocess the data files. The imput file is the cell type specfic expression. The data are from Smillie et al 2019 ( Each column is the average per cell type in transcript per million. From that we will build a simple cell-cell interaction count. It is based on expression tresholding. Our assumptation was that the interactions are important if they are exisit in any way, so we have chosen a realtievely low expression treshold. We invite the user for testing various tresholds in their own work. You will need for this the expression data which are in this example's folder.
df_cell_imm = pd.read_csv("imm_all_expression_condition.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0, header=0)
df_cell_fib = pd.read_csv("fib_all_expression_condition.tsv",sep="\t", index_col=0, header=0)
df_cell_epi = pd.read_csv("epi_all_expression_condition.tsv",sep="\t", index_col=0, header=0)
df_cell_exp = df_cell_imm.join(df_cell_fib, how="outer") #Keeping all genes
df_cell_exp = df_cell_exp.join(df_cell_epi, how="outer")
RNA.CD8..IELs_Healthy | RNA.CD8..LP_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Memory_Healthy | RNA.MT.hi_Healthy | RNA.Cycling.T_Healthy | RNA.NKs_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.lo_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.hi_Healthy | RNA.CD8..IELs_Uninflamed | RNA.MT.hi_Uninflamed | ... | RNA.Immature.Goblet_Inflamed | RNA.Stem_Uninflamed | RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.2_Inflamed | RNA.Goblet_Inflamed | RNA.Tuft_Inflamed | RNA.Enterocytes_Inflamed | RNA.Best4..Enterocytes_Inflamed | RNA.Enteroendocrine_Inflamed | RNA.M.cells_Inflamed | RNA.M.cells_Uninflamed | |
7SK | 0.030182 | 0.042158 | 0.016792 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.228991 | 0.000000 | 0.015092 | 0.030573 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.00000 | 0.001679 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 7.005192 | 0.002465 | 0.007913 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
A1BG | 0.062424 | 0.025848 | 0.049498 | 0.208431 | 0.321939 | 0.000000 | 0.045158 | 0.018531 | 0.053037 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.00000 | 0.013224 | 0.002473 | 0.089265 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
A1BG-AS1 | 0.276995 | 0.198592 | 0.138406 | 0.295042 | 0.000000 | 0.498747 | 0.130186 | 0.256156 | 0.305482 | 0.000000 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1CF | 0.002978 | 0.005669 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.025840 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.079150 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.66123 | 0.211192 | 0.848589 | 0.187466 | 0.000000 | 0.486224 | 0.778587 | 2.653654 | 0.457293 | 0.737544 |
A2M | 0.023545 | 0.214442 | 0.202609 | 0.167921 | 0.097767 | 0.545677 | 0.144894 | 0.166956 | 0.010304 | 0.243075 | ... | 0.00000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
5 rows × 153 columns
We will choose the mean -2SD of the whole data set. First we do a log2 based transformation.
df_cell_exp[df_cell_exp.values == 0] = "NaN"
RNA.CD8..IELs_Healthy | RNA.CD8..LP_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Memory_Healthy | RNA.MT.hi_Healthy | RNA.Cycling.T_Healthy | RNA.NKs_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.lo_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.hi_Healthy | RNA.CD8..IELs_Uninflamed | RNA.MT.hi_Uninflamed | ... | RNA.Immature.Goblet_Inflamed | RNA.Stem_Uninflamed | RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.2_Inflamed | RNA.Goblet_Inflamed | RNA.Tuft_Inflamed | RNA.Enterocytes_Inflamed | RNA.Best4..Enterocytes_Inflamed | RNA.Enteroendocrine_Inflamed | RNA.M.cells_Inflamed | RNA.M.cells_Uninflamed | |
7SK | 0.0301819 | 0.0421578 | 0.0167924 | NaN | NaN | 0.228991 | NaN | 0.0150918 | 0.0305725 | NaN | ... | NaN | 0.00167886 | NaN | NaN | 7.00519 | 0.00246488 | 0.00791332 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1BG | 0.062424 | 0.0258481 | 0.0494975 | 0.208431 | 0.321939 | NaN | 0.0451578 | 0.0185314 | 0.0530365 | NaN | ... | NaN | 0.0132239 | 0.0024732 | 0.089265 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1BG-AS1 | 0.276995 | 0.198592 | 0.138406 | 0.295042 | NaN | 0.498747 | 0.130186 | 0.256156 | 0.305482 | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1CF | 0.00297762 | 0.00566872 | NaN | NaN | 0.0258403 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0791505 | NaN | ... | 0.66123 | 0.211192 | 0.848589 | 0.187466 | NaN | 0.486224 | 0.778587 | 2.65365 | 0.457293 | 0.737544 |
A2M | 0.0235452 | 0.214442 | 0.202609 | 0.167921 | 0.0977667 | 0.545677 | 0.144894 | 0.166956 | 0.0103037 | 0.243075 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 153 columns
data_matrix = df_cell_exp.to_numpy()
data_matrix_log2 = np.log2(data_matrix.astype(float)) #We need to change the data file to floats
mean_cell = np.nanmean(data_matrix_log2)
std = np.nanstd(data_matrix_log2)
mean_cell, std
(-2.160708171397226, 3.00937762482671)
import seaborn as sns
We can check the distribuiton of the cell types. Here only for one.
array([[-5.0501723 , -4.56805614, -5.89604351, ..., nan, nan, nan], [-4.00175632, -5.27379813, -4.33649916, ..., nan, nan, nan], [-1.85206773, -2.33211901, -2.8530207 , ..., nan, nan, nan], ..., [-3.47290816, -4.19215007, -4.40580567, ..., -2.06536459, 0.35303725, 0.44592408], [-4.38586399, -2.27399124, -3.85313444, ..., -4.58601467, -8.31527547, nan], [-2.5735855 , -1.76640068, -1.1066736 , ..., -4.14328163, -7.335609 , nan]])
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x19ee52d6c88>
After checking the histogram we can say that we will use the mean minus 2 standard deviation of the expressed genes.
data_matrix_log2 > (mean_cell-2*std)
C:\Users\modos\.conda\envs\Single_cell_RNA_seq\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
array([[ True, True, True, ..., False, False, False], [ True, True, True, ..., False, False, False], [ True, True, True, ..., False, False, False], ..., [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, False, False], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, False]])
For simplicity we call "NaN" each number which is below the treshold.
df_cell_log2 = pd.DataFrame(data=data_matrix_log2, index=df_cell_exp.index ,columns=df_cell_exp.columns)
RNA.CD8..IELs_Healthy | RNA.CD8..LP_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Memory_Healthy | RNA.MT.hi_Healthy | RNA.Cycling.T_Healthy | RNA.NKs_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.lo_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.hi_Healthy | RNA.CD8..IELs_Uninflamed | RNA.MT.hi_Uninflamed | ... | RNA.Immature.Goblet_Inflamed | RNA.Stem_Uninflamed | RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.2_Inflamed | RNA.Goblet_Inflamed | RNA.Tuft_Inflamed | RNA.Enterocytes_Inflamed | RNA.Best4..Enterocytes_Inflamed | RNA.Enteroendocrine_Inflamed | RNA.M.cells_Inflamed | RNA.M.cells_Uninflamed | |
7SK | -5.050172 | -4.568056 | -5.896044 | NaN | NaN | -2.126639 | NaN | -6.050093 | -5.031619 | NaN | ... | NaN | -9.218304 | NaN | NaN | 2.808425 | -8.664267 | -6.981502 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1BG | -4.001756 | -5.273798 | -4.336499 | -2.262358 | -1.635142 | NaN | -4.468881 | -5.753884 | -4.236870 | NaN | ... | NaN | -6.240706 | -8.659406 | -3.485761 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1BG-AS1 | -1.852068 | -2.332119 | -2.853021 | -1.761008 | NaN | -1.003621 | -2.941349 | -1.964903 | -1.710843 | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1CF | -8.391626 | -7.462761 | NaN | NaN | -5.274231 | NaN | NaN | NaN | -3.659258 | NaN | ... | -0.596775 | -2.243375 | -0.236862 | -2.415296 | NaN | -1.040307 | -0.361069 | 1.40798 | -1.12881 | -0.4392 |
A2M | -5.408426 | -2.221338 | -2.303227 | -2.574148 | -3.354513 | -0.873881 | -2.786930 | -2.582460 | -6.600697 | -2.040528 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 153 columns
We will call every genee which is expressed below the treshold with "NaN".
df_cell_log2[df_cell_log2.values < (mean_cell-2*std)] = "NaN"
C:\Users\modos\.conda\envs\Single_cell_RNA_seq\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
Let's see what we hjave done and the avaialbe cell types.
RNA.CD8..IELs_Healthy | RNA.CD8..LP_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Memory_Healthy | RNA.MT.hi_Healthy | RNA.Cycling.T_Healthy | RNA.NKs_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.lo_Healthy | RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.hi_Healthy | RNA.CD8..IELs_Uninflamed | RNA.MT.hi_Uninflamed | ... | RNA.Immature.Goblet_Inflamed | RNA.Stem_Uninflamed | RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.2_Inflamed | RNA.Goblet_Inflamed | RNA.Tuft_Inflamed | RNA.Enterocytes_Inflamed | RNA.Best4..Enterocytes_Inflamed | RNA.Enteroendocrine_Inflamed | RNA.M.cells_Inflamed | RNA.M.cells_Uninflamed | |
7SK | -5.05017 | -4.56806 | -5.896044 | NaN | NaN | -2.126639 | NaN | -6.05009 | -5.031619 | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.808425 | NaN | -6.9815 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1BG | -4.00176 | -5.2738 | -4.336499 | -2.262358 | -1.635142 | NaN | -4.46888 | -5.75388 | -4.236870 | NaN | ... | NaN | -6.24071 | NaN | -3.48576 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1BG-AS1 | -1.85207 | -2.33212 | -2.853021 | -1.761008 | NaN | -1.003621 | -2.94135 | -1.9649 | -1.710843 | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
A1CF | NaN | -7.46276 | NaN | NaN | -5.274231 | NaN | NaN | NaN | -3.659258 | NaN | ... | -0.596775 | -2.24338 | -0.236862 | -2.4153 | NaN | -1.04031 | -0.361069 | 1.40798 | -1.12881 | -0.4392 |
A2M | -5.40843 | -2.22134 | -2.303227 | -2.574148 | -3.354513 | -0.873881 | -2.78693 | -2.58246 | -6.600697 | -2.040528 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 153 columns
{'RNA.Macrophages_Uninflamed', 'RNA.CD4..PD1._Inflamed', 'RNA.ILCs_Inflamed', 'RNA.Cycling.TA_Healthy', 'RNA.TA.1_Inflamed', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.lo.1_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Tregs_Healthy', 'RNA.Best4..Enterocytes_Inflamed', 'RNA.Enterocyte.Progenitors_Inflamed', 'RNA.Microvascular_Inflamed', 'RNA.Goblet_Inflamed', 'RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.hi_Healthy', 'RNA.CD8..IELs_Inflamed', 'RNA.WNT5B..2_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Inflammatory.Fibroblasts_Inflamed', 'RNA.CD8..IELs_Healthy', 'RNA.DC2_Inflamed', 'RNA.Tregs_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.1_Inflamed', 'RNA.WNT5B..2_Healthy', 'RNA.Follicular_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Inflammatory.Monocytes_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Microvascular_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Plasma_Uninflamed', 'RNA.CD8..IL17._Inflamed', 'RNA.CD8..IELs_Uninflamed', 'RNA.DC1_Inflamed', 'RNA.M.cells_Uninflamed', 'RNA.WNT5B..1_Inflamed', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.lo.2_Uninflamed', 'RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.lo_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Cycling.Monocytes_Inflamed', 'RNA.NKs_Healthy', 'RNA.Secretory.TA_Inflamed', 'RNA.GC_Healthy', 'RNA.Cycling.B_Inflamed', 'RNA.Inflammatory.Monocytes_Healthy', 'RNA.MT.hi_Inflamed', 'RNA.Post.capillary.Venules_Inflamed', 'RNA.Cycling.T_Healthy', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.hi_Inflamed', 'RNA.RSPO3._Inflamed', 'RNA.Cycling.TA_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Enterocyte.Progenitors_Healthy', 'RNA.CD69..Mast_Inflamed', 'RNA.TA.2_Inflamed', 'RNA.TA.2_Healthy', 'RNA.DC1_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Endothelial_Inflamed', 'RNA.WNT5B..2_Inflamed', 'RNA.Pericytes_Healthy', 'RNA.Inflammatory.Monocytes_Inflamed', 'RNA.Inflammatory.Fibroblasts_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Microvascular_Healthy', 'RNA.M.cells_Inflamed', 'RNA.Glia_Healthy', 'RNA.MT.hi_Uninflamed', 'RNA.DC2_Healthy', 'RNA.Macrophages_Healthy', 'RNA.Macrophages_Inflamed', 'RNA.CD4..PD1._Healthy', 'RNA.Cycling.T_Uninflamed', 'RNA.CD69..Mast_Healthy', 'RNA.Enteroendocrine_Inflamed', 'RNA.Tregs_Inflamed', 'RNA.Secretory.TA_Healthy', 'RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.hi_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Follicular_Inflamed', 'RNA.Plasma_Healthy', 'RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.1_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Glia_Inflamed', 'RNA.Best4..Enterocytes_Healthy', 'RNA.Best4..Enterocytes_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Stem_Inflamed', 'RNA.Tuft_Inflamed', 'RNA.Enterocytes_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Goblet_Uninflamed', 'RNA.CD4..Memory_Healthy', 'RNA.RSPO3._Uninflamed', 'RNA.Immature.Goblet_Inflamed', 'RNA.Enterocytes_Healthy', 'RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.hi_Inflamed', 'RNA.MT.hi_Healthy', 'RNA.CD8..IL17._Healthy', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.lo.2_Inflamed', 'RNA.Goblet_Healthy', 'RNA.Cycling.B_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Cycling.Monocytes_Healthy', 'RNA.Pericytes_Inflamed', 'RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.2_Uninflamed', 'RNA.ILCs_Uninflamed', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.lo.1_Inflamed', 'RNA.Myofibroblasts_Healthy', 'RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.lo_Healthy', 'RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.2_Healthy', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.lo.2_Healthy', 'RNA.M.cells_Healthy', 'RNA.CD8..IL17._Uninflamed', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.hi_Uninflamed', 'RNA.DC2_Uninflamed', 'RNA.TA.1_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Cycling.TA_Inflamed', 'RNA.Immature.Goblet_Healthy', 'RNA.Secretory.TA_Uninflamed', 'RNA.CD4..Memory_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Enteroendocrine_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Tuft_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Plasma_Inflamed', 'RNA.CD8..LP_Healthy', 'RNA.Stem_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Glia_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Follicular_Healthy', 'RNA.NKs_Uninflamed', 'RNA.DC1_Healthy', 'RNA.WNT5B..1_Uninflamed', 'RNA.CD4..Activated.Fos.lo_Inflamed', 'RNA.CD69..Mast_Healthy.1', 'RNA.NKs_Inflamed', 'RNA.Stem_Healthy', 'RNA.Inflammatory.Fibroblasts_Healthy', 'RNA.CD8..LP_Inflamed', 'RNA.CD69..Mast_Uninflamed.1', 'RNA.GC_Inflamed', 'RNA.Enterocyte.Progenitors_Uninflamed', 'RNA.GC_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Enterocytes_Inflamed', 'RNA.CD69..Mast_Inflamed.1', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.lo.1_Healthy', 'RNA.ILCs_Healthy', 'RNA.Post.capillary.Venules_Healthy', 'RNA.CD4..Memory_Inflamed', 'RNA.Myofibroblasts_Inflamed', 'RNA.WNT2B..Fos.hi_Healthy', 'RNA.WNT5B..1_Healthy', 'RNA.RSPO3._Healthy', 'RNA.Cycling.B_Healthy', 'RNA.CD8..LP_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Enteroendocrine_Healthy', 'RNA.TA.1_Healthy', 'RNA.Tuft_Healthy', 'RNA.Post.capillary.Venules_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Myofibroblasts_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.2_Inflamed', 'RNA.TA.2_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Immature.Goblet_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Endothelial_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Cycling.Monocytes_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Pericytes_Uninflamed', 'RNA.Immature.Enterocytes.1_Healthy', 'RNA.Cycling.T_Inflamed', 'RNA.CD69..Mast_Uninflamed', 'RNA.CD4..PD1._Uninflamed', 'RNA.Endothelial_Healthy'}
Next we select healthy/uninflamed average expression data in the 5 selected cell types.
df_macrophage_healthy = df_cell_log2['RNA.Macrophages_Healthy']
df_macrophage_uninflamed = df_cell_log2['RNA.Macrophages_Uninflamed']
df_DC1_healthy = df_cell_log2['RNA.DC1_Healthy']
df_DC1_uninflamed = df_cell_log2['RNA.DC1_Uninflamed']
df_Treg_healthy = df_cell_log2['RNA.Tregs_Healthy']
df_Treg_uninflamed = df_cell_log2['RNA.Tregs_Uninflamed']
df_myofibroblast_healthy = df_cell_log2['RNA.Myofibroblasts_Healthy']
df_myofibroblast_uninflamed = df_cell_log2['RNA.Myofibroblasts_Uninflamed']
df_goblet_healthy = df_cell_log2['RNA.Goblet_Healthy']
df_goblet_uninflamed = df_cell_log2['RNA.Goblet_Uninflamed']
For calcualting the intercellular interactions we can store theese dataframes in a dictionarry.
healthy_cell_types = {"DC1": df_DC1_healthy,"Macrophage": df_macrophage_healthy, "Goblet": df_goblet_healthy,
"Myofibroblast": df_myofibroblast_healthy, 'Treg': df_Treg_healthy}
uninflamed_cell_types = {"DC1": df_DC1_uninflamed,"Macrophage": df_macrophage_uninflamed, "Goblet": df_goblet_uninflamed,
"Myofibroblast": df_myofibroblast_uninflamed, 'Treg': df_Treg_uninflamed}
Next we can use the intercellular interactions.
# create dictionaries for source-target interactions and their annotations from OmniPath
interactions = {}
interaction_annotation = {}
for i, interaction in filtered_intercell_network.iterrows():
if interaction["genesymbol_intercell_source"] not in interactions:
interactions[interaction["genesymbol_intercell_source"]] = []
if interaction["genesymbol_intercell_target"] not in interactions[interaction["genesymbol_intercell_source"]]:
source_tupple = (interaction["genesymbol_intercell_source"],interaction["category_intercell_source"])
target_tupple = (interaction["genesymbol_intercell_target"],interaction["category_intercell_target"])
if source_tupple not in interaction_annotation:
interaction_annotation[source_tupple] = []
if target_tupple not in interaction_annotation[source_tupple]:
Create all of the possible interactions of cells (independently from the condition) Important: directionality (A-B and B-A are different)
def create_interactions(cells, healthy_cell_types,interactions):
healthy_interactions = set()
for source in healthy_cell_types[cells[0]].keys():
# selecting those ones which play role in intercellular communication as a transmitter
if source in interactions.keys():
# iterating through target cell type expressed genes
for target in healthy_cell_types[cells[1]].keys():
# selecting those ones which play role in intercellular communication as a receiver
if target in interactions[source]:
if str(healthy_cell_types[cells[1]][target]) != 'nan' and str(healthy_cell_types[cells[0]][source]) != 'nan':
healthy_interactions.add((source, target))
return healthy_interactions
#Creating dictinaries dataframe for healthy and UC interactions
healthy_intercell_tupplellist = []
uc_intercell_tupplelist = []
for i in healthy_cell_types.keys():
for j in healthy_cell_types.keys():
if i!=j:
# storing cell-type specific connections in sets
healthy_interactions = create_interactions([i,j], healthy_cell_types, interactions)
UC_interactions = create_interactions([i,j], uninflamed_cell_types,interactions)
# writing out the condition specific interactions
healthy_only = healthy_interactions.difference(UC_interactions)
UC_only = UC_interactions.difference(healthy_interactions)
#Adding the intercellular interactions
with open(i + "_" + j + "_healthy_only.txt", 'w') as output_file_1:
for inter in healthy_only:
for source_annotation in interaction_annotation:
if inter[0] == source_annotation[0]:
for target_annotation in interaction_annotation[source_annotation]:
if inter[1] == target_annotation[0]:
output_file_1.write(source_annotation[0] + "," + source_annotation[1] + ","
+ target_annotation[0] + "," + target_annotation[1] + "\n")
with open(i + "_" + j + "_UC_only.txt", 'w') as output_file_2:
for inter in UC_only:
for source_annotation in interaction_annotation:
if inter[0] == source_annotation[0]:
for target_annotation in interaction_annotation[source_annotation]:
if inter[1] == target_annotation[0]:
output_file_2.write(source_annotation[0] + "," + source_annotation[1] + ","
+ target_annotation[0] + "," + target_annotation[1] + "\n")
DC1 Macrophage DC1 Goblet DC1 Myofibroblast DC1 Treg Macrophage DC1 Macrophage Goblet Macrophage Myofibroblast Macrophage Treg Goblet DC1 Goblet Macrophage Goblet Myofibroblast Goblet Treg Myofibroblast DC1 Myofibroblast Macrophage Myofibroblast Goblet Myofibroblast Treg Treg DC1 Treg Macrophage Treg Goblet Treg Myofibroblast
Next we make the graphs of the interactions between the cells.
g_healthy = ig.Graph.TupleList(healthy_intercell_tupplellist, weights=True, directed=True)
g_uc = ig.Graph.TupleList(uc_intercell_tupplelist, weights=True, directed=True)
[('DC1', 'Macrophage', 912), ('DC1', 'Goblet', 781), ('DC1', 'Myofibroblast', 731), ('DC1', 'Treg', 557), ('Macrophage', 'DC1', 568), ('Macrophage', 'Goblet', 689), ('Macrophage', 'Myofibroblast', 617), ('Macrophage', 'Treg', 501), ('Goblet', 'DC1', 457), ('Goblet', 'Macrophage', 652), ('Goblet', 'Myofibroblast', 483), ('Goblet', 'Treg', 438), ('Myofibroblast', 'DC1', 437), ('Myofibroblast', 'Macrophage', 558), ('Myofibroblast', 'Goblet', 483), ('Myofibroblast', 'Treg', 387), ('Treg', 'DC1', 491), ('Treg', 'Macrophage', 800), ('Treg', 'Goblet', 682), ('Treg', 'Myofibroblast', 616)]
Now we can visualise the interactions. Igraph contain the visulasitation parameters as a dictionarry. You can also wirte out the edgelist to visualise it in cytoscape.
<igraph.EdgeSeq at 0x19ee53e1948>
visual_style = {}
Below are the iGraph visual parameters which you can play with for your intercellular network.
# Curve the edges
visual_style["edge_curved"] = True
# Set the layout
my_layout = g_healthy.layout_circle(order=["Goblet","Treg","Myofibroblast","Macrophage","DC1"])
visual_style["layout"] = my_layout
#Add annoation
visual_style["vertex_label"] = g_healthy.vs["name"]
#Calcualte the edge wheight relative the number of edges
visual_style["edge_width"] = 0.01 * np.array(["weight"])
#Setting the vertex visualistation parameters -colours and label position
visual_style["vertex_label_size"] = 30
visual_style["vertex_color"] = "grey"
visual_style["vertex_label_dist"] = 0.75
visual_style["vertex_size"] = 40
#Setting the edge visualisation parameters
visual_style["edge_color"] = "#004C66" #hexa code for blue
visual_style["edge_arrow_size"] = 2
#Setting the visualistation place. igraph need margin yo work
visual_style["bbox"] = (600, 600)
visual_style["margin"] = 100
ig.plot(g_healthy, "healthy.png", **visual_style)
Now we can do the same for the uninflmaed UC cells.
# Curve the edges
visual_style["edge_curved"] = True
# Set the layout - we keep the same layout for comapriosn
visual_style["layout"] = my_layout
#Add annoation
visual_style["vertex_label"] = g_uc.vs["name"]
#Calcualte the edge wheight relative the number of edges
visual_style["edge_width"] = 0.01 * np.array(["weight"])
#Setting the vertex visualistation parameters -colours and label position
visual_style["vertex_label_size"] = 30
visual_style["vertex_color"] = "grey"
visual_style["vertex_label_dist"] = 0.75
visual_style["vertex_size"] = 40
#Setting the edge visualisation parameters
visual_style["edge_color"] = "#CE1612" #hexa code for red
visual_style["edge_arrow_size"] = 2
#Setting the visualistation place. igraph need margin yo work
visual_style["bbox"] = (600, 600)
visual_style["margin"] = 100
ig.plot(g_uc, "UC_uninflamed.png", **visual_style)
Below you can see what kind of data we have used.
import types
def imports():
for name, val in globals().items():
if isinstance(val, types.ModuleType):
yield val.__name__
['builtins', 'builtins', 'pandas', 'igraph', 'os', 'numpy', 'omnipath', 'seaborn', 'types']
print('\n'.join(f'{m.__name__} {m.__version__}' for m in globals().values() if getattr(m, '__version__', None)))
pandas 1.1.4 igraph 0.8.3 numpy 1.18.5 omnipath 1.0.0 seaborn 0.11.0